There is something special about historic buildings. The architectural designs and materials give us a sense of what the world was like before our time and embody both individual vision and collective experience. Often, they become part of our cultural identity and serve as representations of our communities. After all, what would San Francisco be without its Beaux-Arts city hall, its painted ladies, Mission Dolores, and the Conservatory of Flowers?

As the years pass, however, the structural integrity and aesthetic beauty of these buildings can fade due to environmental stressors, material degradation, and neglect. Historic preservation and restoration are essential to protecting our architectural past while ensuring it meets our evolving needs. As William Murtagh, the first keeper of the National Register of Historic Places, said:

At its best, preservation engages the past in a conversation with the present over a mutual concern for the future.

When such high stakes, picking the right contractor for a historic restoration project can seem overwhelming. But by taking a closer look at how to choose a historic restoration contractor in the Bay Area, you can set your project up for success from the very start.

How to Choose a Historic Restoration Contractor in the Bay Area

The significance of historic buildings means you have a special responsibility to ensure any alterations to the property are completed with the utmost care. Knowing what to look for in a historic restoration contractor can help you protect and rejuvenate buildings in the best way possible.

1. Specialization 

Historic restoration is a unique craft that requires specialized knowledge and skills. Contractors must have the expertise to understand the challenges of working with historic buildings, the experience to preserve and repair with appropriate materials, and the resources to solve the complex problems these structures often present. 

Seeking out a contractor who specializes in historic restoration is critical to achieving high-quality results, both aesthetically and practically. This is particularly true when restoration projects must adhere to strict preservation guidelines designed to safeguard the character of the building itself and the community around it. Collaborating with an expert in the field will not only produce better outcomes, it can also make getting those results easier, as a specialist will be accustomed to dealing with historic property regulations and have an established network of suppliers to source materials.

It is important to note, however, that not all historic restoration specialists have the skills to take on all restoration projects. Be sure to choose a historic restoration contractor who has a background working with the specific features and characteristics of your building.

2. Deep Local Knowledge

Historic buildings are valued in part because of the ways they contribute to the local cultural landscape. At the same time, the needs of the buildings themselves are often profoundly influenced by local conditions, including temperature, humidity, pollution, and, in the San Francisco Bay Area, the risk of natural disasters such as earthquakes and wildfires.

When considering how to choose a historic restoration contractor, staying local matters. A contractor with extensive experience working on buildings in your geographic area is more likely to understand and know how to address the impact of local environmental stressors. And chances are these contractors are as invested in preserving your local cultural heritage and revitalizing your community as you are. 

3. Teamwork

Restoring a historic building is truly a team effort. A contractor with a strong commitment to teamwork and enthusiasm for collaboration with both internal and external partners can be an integral part of your project’s success. 

Employee retention can be a good indication of a strong team. When employees choose to build long-term careers with a particular company, it suggests that the company nurtures and values long-term relationships. This not only means employees have extensive experience, it also points to a commitment to customers and the historic restoration industry as a whole. They know the stakes, they understand your needs, and they have forged strong industry connections—these qualities can all be invaluable to your project.

When considering your options, don’t hesitate to ask questions. Ask about the projects they have worked on. Ask about their experience with your building’s architectural style. Ask how they have addressed challenges in past projects and how they might resolve them in yours. Ask about their team. The right historic restoration contractor will not hesitate to answer. 

Embracing Building Restoration Market Trends for 2021

The desire to preserve and restore historic buildings goes beyond protecting aesthetics. As State Historic Preservation Officer Craig Potts eloquently explains:

Historic preservation clearly does much more than preserve bricks and mortar. It recognizes that our built history connects us in tangible ways with our past and provides context for the places we occupy and the world we live in. It fuses art with craftsmanship, capacity for modern utility with embodied energy, and progressive ideas for economic revitalization with traditional authenticity. Historic preservation is at the same time wonderfully egalitarian; all socioeconomic classes in every corner of the nation have successfully utilized its principles to protect their heritage and revitalize their communities.

For nearly 100 years, Rainbow has helped shape historic buildings throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. We deeply understand the extraordinary potential of historic restoration and the value it adds to our diverse communities. This understanding drives our commitment to excellence for every project and every client.

We are always happy to answer any questions you have to help you choose a historic restoration contractor that suits your needs—and the needs of your building.

Rainbow has the experience and expertise needed to make your Bay Area building restoration projects a success. Reach out to the Rainbow team today.