In Rainbow’s warehouse, supervisor Alfredo Lopez works tirelessly to order and fulfill the needs of job sites. Meanwhile, foreman Julio Guevara effectively manages the details of building restoration projects on-site. 

Alfredo and Julio are a dream team, working together to ensure Rainbow’s customers are not only happy but excited to see their commercial, historic, or landmark restoration project come together. While their roles differ, these men have two things in common: loyalty and hard work.

Rising Through Rainbow

Before joining Rainbow, both Alfredo and Julio held a variety of jobs, including dishwashing, janitorial work, interior demolition, and landscaping. It was at Rainbow, however, that they truly flourished. 

Both men were some of Rainbow’s earliest employees. In fact, Julio is now Rainbow’s longest-term employee, serving for 25 years with the company. After coming on board as an apprentice, he rose quickly and was promoted to foreman after only 6 months. It was a perfect fit. “I always wanted to be a leader,” he explains. 

Alfred also moved up the ranks swiftly during his 21 years at Rainbow. As he tells it:

In November 1999 I was hired by Rainbow to clean their warehouse. That turned into permanent employment of being the warehouse “do anything” guy. By 2003, we were busy enough that I needed to hire a driver to pick up and deliver materials so I could stay in the warehouse and keep it running smoothly. Now I have a warehouse assistant and 2 drivers that I supervise.

This fast rise through the company should come as no surprise. Alfredo came to the United States from El Salvador at the age of 8 to escape war and watched his family members work hard to provide him with a better quality of life. 

I knew I wanted to be just like them.  I wanted to have a happy life. Coming to America showed me that people could live a happy life. My years with Rainbow have proven that anyone can be successful if they work hard.

The shared drive to succeed is what makes Julio and Alfredo so exceptional at their jobs and has been instrumental in Rainbow’s growth.

Shaping San Francisco Building Restoration Projects

Julio and Alfredo have both been a part of a broad range of projects throughout their time at Rainbow, but building restoration projects are particularly close to their hearts. Julio, in particular, has a deep love of buildings and considered becoming an architect before realizing he could contribute to the San Francisco Bay Area’s unique architectural landscape in other ways. His first endeavor as a foreman was 1355 Market Street, part of the award-winning Market Square. Since then, he has worked on many other prominent sites, including:

  • 1200 California Street
  • The Transamerica Pyramid 
  • The University of California Berkeley @ 2315 Durant Street
  • San Francisco Mart
  • Orpheum Theater
  • Golden Gate Theater

While Julio is busy on-site, Alfredo ensures Rainbow drivers are scheduled to pick up materials from vendors, deliver materials to job sites, and make various runs for the company. His goal is to streamline everything so that the “field crew can work without interruptions” as they preserve and restore some of the San Francisco Bay Area’s most beloved buildings.

Rainbow is proud to contribute to historic restoration projects across the Bay Area.

The Personal Side of the Business

Alfredo and Julio’s expertise would make them valuable assets to any firm specializing in building restoration projects in the San Francisco Bay Area. Yet, both have chosen to make a home at Rainbow for over two decades. Echoing the sentiment of his Rainbow teammates, Alfredo explains:

The reason I have stayed with Rainbow so long is that I like working with everyone here—not just Rainbow employees but also the vendors and equipment rental people that I interact with every day. We are truly like a family. 

Julio agrees. “The Rainbow owners and project managers have treated me well, and I get along with every crew member,” he says. We all are very hard-working people with a great can-do attitude. We do what it takes to get the job done.”

With these two remarkable men on our team, Rainbow has been able to lead dozens of projects and breathe new life into the Bay Area’s historic buildings. As Alfredo says, “It’s very exciting to see how much Rainbow has grown over the years, and I’m very proud to be a part of it.” And we know Julio and Alfredo will be integral to shaping our future.

Rainbow has the experience and expertise needed to make your Bay Area building restoration projects a success. Reach out to the Rainbow team today.